Supporting the marine aquaria hobby through education and conservation.

Our general meetings are free and open to the public.


General Meetings

General meetings consist of an introduction by the President, followed by a quick highlight of upcoming events and/or local topics. Next, there is an educational presentation given by a guest speaker on marine-related topics such as: designing and building your fish tank, pests and parasites, conservation, safety, collecting fish, breeding etc.
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Throughout the year, we host numerous events where you can meet up with other hobbyists. These events range from our Annual Poker Run to a behind-the-scenes tour at the Miami Seaquarium. Events are family-oriented where children are welcome. However, for most events, you must be a member to be eligible to join in on the fun.
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Becoming a member of the Florida Marine Aquarium Society offers many benefits, such as members-only events and discounts at local fish stores. Additionally, your membership fee helps to support programs at local schools, marine conservation efforts, and other philanthropic efforts.
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